Saturday, September 13, 2008

Pre-Surgery Surgery

So, on Monday I have a little pre-surg surg. When we met with the plastic surgeon he said that they couldn't schedule the bi-lateral mastectomy/reconstruction surgery until we were sure about the health of the lymph nodes. So Monday morning I get to be injected with a little radioactive waste of some kind which is then to travel through the lymph nodes to see how they're functioning. It's about a two hour surgery (under general anesthesia, blech). It should take about two days to get the results back. This is what it means ...

A. No cancer in the lymph nodes-
We go ahead with the bi-lat mastectomy/reconstruction surgery asap. Chemotherapy yes, but no radiation.

B. Cancer in the lymph nodes-
Bi-lat mastectomy. Then radiation. Then reconstruction and chemo. Apparently, the skin and tissue that they use for the reconstruction doesn't hold up well to radiation. Go figure. Anyway it shrinks and becomes all asymmetrical distorted and funky. Not pretty.

I seriously don't understand. If we know that that it screws with the body that much, why is this even a recommended procedure? It's like when I had my PET scan and I really wanted Alan to come with me and they said he couldn't because once they inject the contrast I would be radioactive and it wouldn't be safe for him to sit in the same room as me. Really?! Huh. So it's fine for them to inject it directly into my bloodstream but too dangerous for someone to sit with me. Huh. You'd think they were trying to give me cancer or something.


Beth said...

So, last Thursday Beth goes, "oh by the way I have surgery this coming Monday". What???

Great! This is going to be a fun cancer ride for me if she keeps this up...

"hey Alan, by the way, the boobs are getting chopped off today. I didn't tell you?".

jksfam said...

"You'd think they were trying to give me cancer or something." Beth, you're SO funny!!! It does kind of seem that way, huh! I hope that you get the best results back from the pre-surgery surgery. I'm sure all of this is no fun at all, but you're a trooper!!!

Lee said...

K Alan, Beth you two are a riot. And I love Beth how reading this I can so hear you saying it. And we are praing that option A is your winner. I am crossing my fingers, toes, arms, legs, heck anything that crosses until then. And how long until you get results?

Beth said...

The doc said there is a less than 1% chance that we could have the results back in 2 days.

Nau Willis said...

it seriously amazes me how you two are looking at the cancer. I mean talking to beth Im just thinking in my head, You are my HERO. well except for the recovery thing we are THE SAME!!!
we love you guys!!!
and in alans innfamous words...good times!!

Lee said...

Hey how did the surgery go? We have been thinking about you guys all day!!

Beth said...

Everything went well. Beth is a little loopy but doing well. Will have the results back in 3 days.

RyAriMow said...

Miss and love you guys!