Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Results are in...

During Monday's sentinel node biopsy, lymph nodes were removed from each side, leaving a two inch incision in each armpit. Nice. Guess I won't be shaving there anytime soon. Anyway, one lymph node was removed from the right side (it was cancer free) and three from the left. They found cancer in one of the three lymph nodes and in the surrounding lymphatic tissue. Super. So after talking to Dr. Nate (breast surgeon) and Dr. Logie (oncologist) this is most likely our new plan of action. Hold on to your lymph nodes, folks- this totally threw me for a loop.

1.Bi-lat mastectomy, sometime in the next couple weeks
(no real reconstruction at this time, but they will put in some type of 'expander' under the skin just so you won't just see ribs, there will be "some sort of small mound, if you will"-Dr. Nate's words)

2.Then, chemotherapy. Four treatments of something called AC (Alan says that stands for 'Awesome Chemo'), one treatment given once every two weeks. Then 12 treatments of 'T' that is given once a week.

3. Next, Radiation. I love this one. This has the super convenient schedule of being 2 minutes a day, every day, for at least four weeks. Let's just stop to think about this for a second. We're talking a 40min round trip to the doctor's office for 120 seconds of treatment, every day for four weeks!

4. Now this really is my favorite part. Reconstruction! And if all goes well and the radiation doesn't turn the skin on my chest to beef jerky, I can also get a tummy tuck compliments of our insurance company. (It's called a tram flap. They use your belly fat and tissue to make new breasts. How awesome is that?)

Let's recap. Surgery. Recovery. 20 weeks of chemo. 4 weeks of radiation. Surgery. Recovery.

I should have a date for the surgery sometime next week.



jksfam said...

Wow! Sounds fun - NOT! The radiation thing really doesn't sound fun! I probably wouldn't mind the tummy tuck, though (except the surgery part!). I miss you and hope for the best. It sounds like you're in good hands and things were found early. My heart really goes out to you - you're amazing!

Nau Willis said...

First of all you said "recovery" one too many times for me! Also I would like to volunteer to donate to your tram flap or whatever you called it. So please let me know I will PAY for a ticket to come down...your in my prayers love ya tons!!!

Lee said...

Wow. I was wondering all day how things were going. ((hugs)) I am sorry you have to do the radiation, but like he said it is the easiest of all of them. I will call you later. We need a killer girls night before your surgery!!!

Johnathan and Mackenzie said...

Beth you're amazing, Just make sure that the surgery and treatments don't interfere with Thursday nights. If you know what I mean. We miss you guys too. We've never been Indy so we might as well come visit. You guys are in our thoughts and prayers.

Anonymous said...

Every time i see all your comments i'm so impressed with your following. then i realize half of them (not 1%) are from yourselves. Very cute :). Well all this info is a lot to take in, grasp, process, understand and i'm not you two. super love sweet funky thoughts coming from us!

The Wents said...

Joe talked to Alan today and he updated us on all that is going on with you guys. I want to say that I love you and you are in our thoughts and prayers. I am amazed reading all that has happened in such a short time and am in awe by your strong spirit.