Friday, November 14, 2008

I did it!

I can't believe I actually did it. I can't believe that I did it with out the secret oncology police needing to bind me and throw me in the back of the paddy wagon to take me in. I did it. (Albeit not without quite a few tears.) My first chemo treatment went pretty well. I should mention that I was armed with every bit of friendship 'armour' that I could think of. I wore Rachel's bracelet, Tori's shirt, books and magazines from lots of different friends and brought all of the loving cards and notes that people have given me so I would feel loved and encouraged all over again. I even debated whether or not I would look like an idiot if I brought the teddy bear Caroline sent. I decided I would and left it at home. (It's huge.) Now that I'm thinking about it, I probably looked like an idiot even without the bear! I brought enough stuff with me! Polly took the kids for us (We love you, Polly! They had so much fun at the nature preserve and they love Opie/Ruby!) and Alan took the day off to be with me. After I got hooked up and under way he skipped out for a second and brought back lunch. We snuggled up on the single bed, ate McCalisters giant baked potatoes and played scrabble on our ipod touch. So really, aside from the loads of toxic chemicals dumped into my veins, it was kind of a nice afternoon.

I know it takes a while for the symptoms to kick in so for now the only side effects are a nasty metallic taste in my mouth and fruit punch colored pee. So, (since I took you all with me to our first treatment...) thanks for going with me. I couldn't have done it without you!


Lee said...

I am glad you did it. And you survived. I have been thinking about you. And I am glad you had lots of stuff to take with you. Love ya!

jksfam said...

I'm glad that it has gone well so far. I hope that it doesn't get too bad for you! I think about you all the time and want you to know how amazing you are!

Stacie said...

What an encouragement it is to hear that you did so well today...and were so loved in the process. You are a blessing to our family.
Stacie Landess

Alan said...

Oh Beth, you must really not be feeling well. Today’s events deserved MUCH more than what you just posted. The 20 minute video we had to watch on the effects of Chemotherapy deserves its own dedicated post. I am going to give you the weekend to recoup, but if I don’t see some detail posts about today’s events I am going to do it myself.

Remember, try and “avoid cutting, bruising or bumping yourself”.

You’re my hero Beth!


CTMowrey said...

I couldn't help but smile when I read this post. I haven't posted a lot on this blog thing and I'm sorry for that. I do read them though to keep up with how you and the rest of the Indiana Mowrey family are doing.

I love you guys,

Dogg said...

Beth/alan: all I can say is thanks.


Nau Willis said...

yay!!! you are my hero! So I must say that I love your new do!!! it looks fabulous!!you are always in my prayers!!luvs!!

Kristyn Crow said...

Emily and I read your blog faithfully. We are cheering for you and are so impressed with your courage and good humor. You deserve a whole lot of pampering and all the comfort-foods, toys, movies, games, stuffed animals, and good books your heart desires.

Anonymous said...

way to stick it out beth AND allan. i've been quite educated from this post. i thought you were knocked unconscious and woke up a bit fuzzy on what just happened. maybe that would be easier, along with someone tying you down and dragging you to the appointment. you better get good at scrabble because although my vocabulary is half of yours, i know how to make points!

S1CROW said...

Beth, you always were very strong and brave. You are an amazing person. Just know you are loved, prayed for and we are all rooting for you.


Anonymous said...

You have so many great ideas, I am glad you have so much positive support! I would just crawl under a rock--your way is much better!!
The Farrs