Saturday, November 8, 2008

Extreme Makeover: Cancer Edition

My hair has been way too long for way too long. But since I knew it would all be falling out anyway, I wasn't really anxious to spend the money to have it cut. I thought I would just shave it the night before it was going to expel itself. Anyway it was getting almost impossible to tame, let alone look half way decent. I can hardly lift my arms to wash my hair and it was pretty tough to even pull it back into my 3-day ponytail. I finally decided about 45 min before I went to have the port placed that I couldn't take it for even one more minute. There is a Great Clips down the street and I thought, what the heck. I just need them to whack it off to my shoulders. I don't need a fantastic style, it's all coming out in a little bit anyway, right? Holy smokes. Big Mistake. So, lesson learned. After a $50 fix-it cut at a lovely Aveda salon I now feel like it will once again be sad to lose my hair. I have a cute, super short do. Ella said that she really liked it and that it looked a little like Kate's hair (holla). Which is really wonderful because before we even left the salon at great clips, she said that my hair kinda looked like Professor Snape's hair from the Harry Potter movies. Yep. It was bad.

I wish I could think of something funny for the rest of the post. Chemo starts on Friday. This coming Friday. I can't even type that without freaking out. I think even though we had talked about chemo before, I was never really committed to the idea. Like something would change before it ever became a reality. Friday seems like a huge reality. I keep waiting for some miracle to save me. When I was young and (often) unprepared for a test or something the next day, I can remember just praying the school would catch on fire or something so I wouldn't have to take it. (That sounds really bad. Wow.) Well now I'm kind of at that spot. Hoping that all chemo shipments get lost in transit. It seems so surreal. Ella's birthday party is on Thursday. The next day I have my first treatment. Fourteen days from that, I will be bald. Gross. This does not seem possible. Seriously. My life is pretty busy and even still I just can't see this as something I will be doing next week...and the 20 weeks after that. Unbelievable. Crazy.

Well, here we go. Bring it on. Do your worst, cancer. (Not really.) I can take it. (I hope.) As I'm trying to talk tough can I just say that everyone... friends, family, neighbors, well wishers...I will forever be changed because of your kindness. I am not capable of what I have been through or what still lies ahead without you.


jksfam said...

So sorry about the bad haircut!!! I hope that the next few weeks go better than expected for you. I know it won't be easy and I so wish that we were closer!!! Your strength is amazing and I want you to know that I see it! I'm also sending a big thank you to those that are close by that are helping you!!!

patty said...


I've been following your blog since Gary/Margie gave us the address. Although Chad's not here with us right now, we all send our love to you. We think of you often and pray for you daily.

Patty, Chad and the boys

Lee said...

I am so glad you got a better haircut. I love ya girl. And you can totally do this. I am sorry you have to do the chemo. No fun.

Beth said...

I can't believe that Ella said that. Professor Snape’s hair was not that bad in the movie. 24 weeks from now it will all be over babe. Just think, we have already been in Indianapolis for almost 30 weeks – think how fast that went. When this is all over we are going to celebrate. Maybe a 21-day cruise?


Nau Willis said...

you are my HERO!!! I love ya tons and looove your blog! So dont feel bad Im in the short hair club!!!

Anonymous said...

and i've been wanting you to go back to a short do for so long! Are you allowed to post pictures on this blog? I'm excited to be heading out there soonish (i'll be leaving kate and zadie behind). do you need another button down shirt?

The Wents said...

Our thoughts and prayers are with you. And I think you will still be beautiful bald.

Alan said...

Serious Beth? When you gonna get some pictures up on this blog. Making people read too much.

Anonymous said...

Beth, You hang in there girl! I know what you mean by "Black days" just remember that it is a small moment and that we are all rooting for you!
I loved the Snape comment--aren't kids great! Your blog is really honest and helpful for me. I hope you DO blog on even the black days, it probably feels good to vent and we are here to hear it!!

Alan, You are an awesome husband and I appreciate the support you show Beth. Ross and I were tickled by your comment about losing your best friends! Our prayers often remember your family and trials.

May happiness in the journey be your companion!!
Cathryn Farr

Blanchards said...

Beth ~ Alan is right...if time keeps how it is going, 24 weeks will be over before you know it. This last year went by crazy fast...poor Cole, I can't recall half of his life. I am thinking about you...I love you and you are definitely entitled to have black heart days. As Marci would say...that's ligit (is that how you spell it?) Anyway, keep in touch. BFF, Rach (I am making myself laugh...that is how I used to sign all my notes in Middle school) ps. I love it how you use the term heebs, so funny, so you.