Sunday, November 30, 2008

Pregnancy, Menopause and Periods...

I have so much to catch up on that the idea of one comprehensive post is out the window. So I think I will take a page from Heidi's book and spew a little blog vomit. Here it goes...

My oncologist said that during my chemo treatments I would feel like I was going through menopause with all of its glorious side effects. I wasn't too concerned and I was actually a little excited to not have to deal with periods either for the next 6 months. However, aside from the hot flashes that have me reaching for my thermometer every hour, I feel more pregnant than anything else. Queasy, body aches, sore boobs (o.k. That's not from the chemo, but still.), waking up during the night to pee, ultra sensitive skin, gas pains, and cramps, just to name a few prego symptoms that I've been experiencing. So why the heck am I still having periods if I feel pregnant and I'm in some temporarily induced state of menopause?!!! Can't a girl catch a break?

I shaved my head yesterday. Well, Alan did. I decided I was much more afraid of my hair actually falling out than being bald so I thought I would just beat chemo to the punch. I was hoping I would feel empowered by it, but really I just feel butch. I look in the mirror and I see a red headed boy with a buzz looking back. I look like a bully. So I am compensating by wearing way too much make up (even though I hardly left my bed at all today) and dropping hints to Alan that for Christmas I want necklaces, earrings, perfume, and anything else that screams feminine. It reminds me of the time my dad shaved my head and my brother couldn't walk by me without rubbing my head with both hands and saying "I wish I had a watermelon, I wish I had a watermelon."

I've decided that this round of treatment will be much better than the last time. They told me it would be worse, but nothing can be worse than the unknown and the debilitating fear it caused me last time. I think sicker is fine as long as I know what I'm up against. So it's mind over matter this time and I think its working out for me. I still feel pretty nasty, but not being terrified certainly makes everything more doable. For that I am extremely grateful.

My right shoulder twitches about once every 45 seconds. Kind of like a mini shrug. Freaky side effect or precursor to turrets?

Oh. A little p.s. to the shaving my head thing. I am relieved that there were no unexpected bumps, ridges, or divots to report. And my hair isn't actually falling out yet, but if I pull on it it comes out in a clump, roots and all. (If hair that is only a 1/4 of an inch long can come out in clumps.) Note to self... stop pulling on hair.

I am also completely HGTV'd and Food Networked out. And I just re-read the Twilight series.

Apparently the steroids are still doing their thing because it's 1:37 am and I know I won't be able to sleep yet. That is a funny thing though. Now that I have such a hard time sleeping, I have developed a fondness for the sound of Alan's snoring. (Save your comment about how you don't snore for people that will believe you, Homes.) It makes me happy that I'm not keeping him up at night with all my restlessness. I really do like the sound of it now. It's peaceful.


jksfam said...

I'm so sorry for all of your side effects! Ugh! I hope that you are able to get some better rest sometime. Sorry about the double whammy of feeling pregnant and still having your period! That stinks!!!

Okay, WHY did your dad shave your head? I'm glad the head shaving didn't reveal any unsightly bumps, etc.

I miss you and hope that you get better soon! I really wish I could be there to do more!!!

heidi said...

I'm glad you have a perfect head. Quite an accomplishment. Just know that you are in good company for shaved heads... Natalie Portman, Demi Moore, and my favorite, Eve Salvail, the model with a Chinese dragon tattooed on her head. Think about it, Beth. I know you want one.

We just got back from MB a couple days ago, and it's not the same without you there. I miss you.

PS - we just went to a Mason Jennings concert and it was so fun to see him live. I had no idea you were a fan as well. I should have known. Beth = cool.

Alan said...

Sorry, I didn't read this post. I couldn't get past the title. Sounds like WAAAAY to much girl stuff going on in this post.

Caroline Osborne said...

Hey Beth,
Turrets might be nice to have on top of it all - at least you could drop some nice verbal bombs when you are feeling crappy and not have to feel guilty about it! :)

No matter the hair, you are always beautiful inside and out!!

Love you,

RyAriMow said...

I would just like to comment and say I read your blog at my work and for some odd reason people have to stand over my shoulder wondering what I'm doing. But EVERY single one chuckles and repeats your sign of feel your boobies. Not just one or two i'm talking like 20-30 people see me on the computer. Than after someone says that everyone looks! So your message is getting out in my work place! Love ya

Shelly and Scott said...

I got to your blog thru Heidi S. I have enjoyed reading your journey. Hope today is a good day for you. Your in my thoughts and prayers even though I don't know you. Love, Hope and Kindness sent to you this day!!!

Anonymous said...

So a shaved head... and not for lice. I would much rather have lice with you again so all the other stuff didn't come with it. I can almost promise that you don't look butch though! Beth = cool (like others said) not butch!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous - i didn't want to be anonymous. i've got nothing to hide :). that was from me... TORI.

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