Wednesday, November 19, 2008

It's a beautiful day and it's great to be alive...

I slept last night. I woke up this morning. I wasn't nauseous. I helped my kids get ready. I even ate a little bit of breakfast. That is a good morning.

This first round of treatment went much better than I had expected. Not that it was a cake walk, just that I had imagined myself taking up a semi-permanent residence next to my toilet, looking and feeling like death warmed over. Really my main complaints were general yuckiness and nausea (never barfed) and my body was pretty sore. The last couple days I've spent more of the night in my bathtub than in the my bed, but I slept pretty soundly last night. (There are steroids in the chemo combo that can make you feel pretty restless. Which is pretty sad when you feel sick and all you want to do is rest!) Luckily, I am surrounded by amazing people who make being sick seem like a vacation instead of a punishment.

In all my long hours in the bath the last couple of nights, I have put together some thoughts on things that might not be too bad in my current situation. Here they are.

  • We're going to save a lot of money on shampoo and hair products.
  • I've already lost 20 lbs. Not directly from the cancer, but there is nothing like disease staring you in the face to keep you motivated to be healthier.
  • I don't even own a bra anymore.
  • Pretty soon I won't need to shave my legs.
  • Alan has started doing the laundry.
  • There is a DVD player in our bedroom now. (However our entertainment center is the ironing board.)
  • I can start a super cool hat collection.

OK, so I thought I had more. Anyway, as you can see there are good times ahead.


jksfam said...

I'm glad that you are feeling pretty good! I hope that happens with the rest of the treatements as well! Not shaving legs - that would be awesome!!! Worth the rest of it? Debateable.

Just for fun - my word verification is bress (pretty close to the topic!)

Alan said...

Excuse me?? Did you get the cancer 9 years ago? Because THAT is when I started doing laundry miss Beth.

That was a low blow...

Lee said...

I love your attitude! And it was so nice to see you today. Lunch was fun. I am glad you are feeling better from round 1.

kate said...

It's funny how the little things can become more appreciated. I don't know how you do it...I struggled taking care of ONE kid when I had a cold...oh brother!

And for the record, I believe Beth's version of the laundry situation. Sorry Alan. :)

Barney Family said...

Beth I love these posts and I love Alans comment. I am so glad that you are back, it so nice to have you happy and so fun!!!


Anonymous said...

may i add 1)visits from CA friends who may otherwise never have walked on Indiana soil and 2) you don't have to shave your armpits!

i hope you have a nice big bathtub and you don't look and feel like a prune all the time.

Blanchards said...

I love baths...Brian hates them because that is all he could do in South Africa for two years but they are heaven to me...I do a lot of thinking in the tub fact, most of my most brilliant ideas generate in the tub. I come out looking like a lobster but it is nice. I love you, I am glad to know that you are handling chemo better than expected, you are amazing Beth...sounds so cliche but it is truly how I feel. You are such a teacher and I miss you and your humor. Love you, Rach

p.s. I love hats...I am going to get me a cute knit one for Christmas. If I find one I like enough, I will buy two. Then we can wear our friendship jewelry and our hats!