Monday, December 8, 2008

Cancer Ramblings

Time to get a few things off my chest about this whole cancer thing.

First and foremost, Beth and I are having a slight disagreement on which route to take when the reconstruction (boob job) takes place. She is thinking more along the lines of a Resse Whiterspoon job. While I am leaning more towards the Scarlett Johansson look. Who's with me?

Feel free to chime in with your opinions. I will make sure I thoroughly research all options...

For the past couple of weeks I have been trying to convince Beth into taking her Indiana State Drivers License picture when she is completely bald. That way when she gets pulled over for speeding, she can hand the driver license to the cop and explain that the picture was taken during her battle with Breast Cancer. What cop would give her a ticket? Or better yet, she could say she just got done with a Chemo treatment and was rushing home before she yakked in the car. This has to work 9 times out of 10 doesn't it....

Our first experience with the Chemo doctor didn't start off all that well. Beth and I are sitting in a consultation room before treatment #1. Dr Logie is explaining all the effects that Chemo will have on Beth. All the while he is trying to sound as reassuring and positive as possible. Suddenly a nurse comes barging in and says, "EXCUSE ME! DR LOGIE, WE HAVE AN EMERGENCY. BERTHA IS UNCONSCIOUS AND IS NOT RESPONDING. COME QUICK!!!". Beth and I look at each other with a look of "really? did that just happen?". All right, Chemo sounds like the way to go. Sign us up....

Chemo makes you weak and feel like you have the flu. So is there not a better excuse to use the electric wheel chairs at Target? Beth refuses to use them. I just don't get her thought process sometimes...

I think someone should start a "Chemo Awareness" month. There has to be a better way to treat Cancer...

The girls are loving the influx of hats that have entered our home...

We are very thankful to have health insurance in times like these, but seriously, could they make the process any harder? We are 3 months into her being diagnosed and not one bill has been processed by insurance. They are waiting for proof of prior insurance, a list of doctors Beth has seen in the past 2 years, certificate of credible coverage, detailed bills from the surgeon, visual evidence of cancer (okay I made the last one up). The best part is NOBODY calls you from insurance if something is missing. They wait until you find out that they don't have all the documents they need. All the while the boob doctor is waiting to get paid...

Beth is well into week 3 of 20. Only 17 more weeks of Chemo. She is amazing and she is my hero.

I am off to do more research for reconstruction.



jksfam said...

What exactly does "research all options..." mean? And the chemo doctor experience - YIKES!!! Insurance billing is definitely a PAIN! I hope it gets better!

Beth said...

First of all, I don't know if you can really call it a disagreement if it's never even been a discussion. Small boobs. The End.

And Alan might die for putting the electric cart picture on here.

Lee said...

I am laughing so hard. Beth just drive the cart. You know you want to. ANd I dreamed about your hair last night. It was crazy.

hales said...

No, Beth. Not Reese. And Alan: if you research too much, you'll go blind. (I think that's medically true.)

RyAriMow said...

Beth stay away from the carts! There is a 1% chance that they will malfuntion and start running over people!

Valasi Satini said...

lol. You guys are too funny.

The Gillette's said...

you are a trip Al. I am all about scarlet...Go for it!

Barney Family said...

Ok Beth, this post is too funny! I love Alan's sense of humor and I think that even Scarlet Johansen's boobs are even bigger in that picture than in real life. Are we sure he didn't enhance them in some way? You know my opinion smaller is always best! Sorry Alan.

I love that through this tough time you both are so happy and can have a sense of humor. You have taught me so much about enduring trials positively. Good Luck with round 3. I am always here for you.


Nau Willis said...

ok so Im glad you are somewhat are so my hero...lunch on me next time I see you!!!I will have to go with Alan on the Scarlet !!!! lol...all our love guys!!

Alan said...

For those of you scoring at home, Scarlett is up 2 votes to 0.

RyAriMow said...

Alan just want to say your counting is off it's 3 to 1 Scarlett. Try reading all the comments! But i did leave out Beth's vote.

Aloi Family said...

Ok .... you asked so Iam giving it to ya (hee-hee) and just know that this is comming from an ex huge boob chick! dude ya gotta go with the smaller twins!I'm with Bethy end of discussion (hee-hee)
you can always wear the push ups if your to small, but if you go to big, you can only minimize so much (hee-hee) just think the smaller the perkier! love you Beth just lookin out for you and you boobs! love, your used to be double E and your current perky C..... Heidi