Thursday, December 4, 2008

To Bic or not To Bic

Holy Smokes. It is totally falling out. I knew it would happen and I knew I wasn't prepared. I guess I just didn't know how unprepared I am. I'm not ready. It's getting all patchy and it feels like it is poking me back. Like the follicles are all hyper sensitive. Alan spent the night trying to comfort me in two ways. One, by telling me that I have the most beautifully shaped head he's ever seen. (Extremely sweet, and to which every time he said it I would get all misty and give him a heartfelt 'thank you'.) And two, by offering to bic my head for me so I wouldn't worry so much about the stubble falling out. Hmm. Didn't quite get the same reaction. Even though I'm not convinced that it wouldn't be best. The question is, could I actually do that?


Alan said...

It sure beats following you around all day with the vacuum cleaner.

Johnathan and Mackenzie said...

Just Bic, it. I want to shave my head but Mackenzie says i have to lose about 40 pounds first she says my face is too fat I'd look like a bowling ball.

Tara said...

Hey, at least you know now you look hot as a blonde :)

Anonymous said...

I must say that it's obvious you'd beat Sinead (sp) out in good looks with a bald head. I'm not sure I'll make an official vote but I'd help do the bicing. that's like the icing. i'm obviously not as funny as you Alan.