Sunday, January 11, 2009

Chemo Fridays

(This post I started last Sunday, never finished and therefore never posted. Better late than never, right? At least that's what I keep telling myself when I see my big stack of Christmas cards that are still in my kitchen.)

Almost halfway there. Eight weeks down, twelve to go. And if this last weekend was any indication of how the these next weeks will be, well then I think I can handle it. So far, so good. I think Taxol and I might be able to get along, unlike it's ugly cousins Adriamycin and Cytoxin. I am definitely not sad to see them go. One of those little buggers burned the bottoms of my feet and my fingertips. Walking was getting excruciating and assembling Ben's 8 million piece Lego star wars ships that had been left undone for weeks was pretty ridiculous. Like I said before, good riddance. I didn't really have any negative side effects this time. Fatigue and burning eyes, but that's about it. Well, and baldness. But those are all just carry overs so I can't really hold them against the Taxol.

1 comment:

jksfam said...

I'm glad this is better! So sorry about the burning before. UGH!!!