Monday, July 18, 2016

Quick update and Special Request - July 18th

Greetings from Charlotte, North Carolina.  We left Cleveland this afternoon on our way to Seminole, Florida.  We drove 8 hours today and will knock out the last 8 hours tomorrow.
Sitting in the car for long periods of time is hard on Beth’s body so she was drugged up most of the trip . She said she felt like her spine was being compressed into a ball in the center of her back.  

Beth’s pulse oximeter reading this morning was 85%.  So, only a few days after she thought she was maybe ready to get off the oxygen, she will need to be on oxygen round the clock.  

No other health updates for Beth today.  She is a rock star.  I wasn’t convinced she was going to make this this trip until we were backing out of the driveway. Beth was determined that this trip happened.

Special Request: A good friend of ours wants to collect Beth related stories, memories and messages, etc from her friends and family. She is going to compile all of them in a book for our kids to have. If you would like to be included please email Lisa Beus at Email her a funny story, a memory, something you learned from Beth or just something you would like to share. It can really be anything. Please include a brief note on how you know Beth, i.e. friend from Minnesota, friend from High School, Beth’s Hip Hop Dance instructor, etc. I believe she is going to group things into different stages of her life.

I know so many of you have already sent texts, emails, Facebook messages, cards, letters, etc.  I have saved those and will give them to Lisa to include. This will be great for our kids. They will absolutely love it and it will help them get through the tough times.

We love you all….


1 comment:

Nauvoo Lindgrens said...

Go Beth, you're amazing!