Sunday, August 21, 2016

Goodbyes are Hard - Aug 21st

Beth’s friends all went home today. While it was a short visit (one friend was only able to be in Cleveland for less than 36 hours) it was a visit that did so much good. Beth was able to "DIG DEEPER” and fight through her aches and pains, sickness and fatigue to make the most of their visit. After they left Beth went into a much needed mini coma.  She slept hard after everyone left.  

I think we have made a decision that we are going to make the trek back out to Chicago on Friday for Beth’s scheduled 3-week check-up and antibody infusion. In addition, they will do blood work to see how much the cancer has progressed. Beth also wants to meet her doctors and have them evaluate her lungs and see if they can help with her breathing. Her breathing has been the most problematic symptom of the cancer the last few weeks. We’ll be in Chicago on Friday from 6am to 5pm.
Anyone want to party? If you are in the Chicago area come hang out at the hospital with Beth.

Aside from all of the good that this weekend’s visit did for Beth, a random impression came to me as I looked at my kids (especially my girls) watching Beth laugh with seven of her closest friends from her childhood. I thought about how awesome it is that my kids have an example that shows them that some of their friends they make NOW can and will be there for the rest of their lives. They will help each other through the tough years of middle school and high school. They will be there as they go to college and start families. Despite the fact that some of their friends might move away for college, jobs, etc, if they work and strengthen their friendships now they will always be in thier lives. This weekend was a testament that.  

It was an emotional goodbye. Beth may feel differently but I have had a hard time with goodbyes lately because each time someone from out of town visits and then leaves I can’t help but ask myself if this is the last time Beth will ever see that person.  I know it’s a weird thing to think but there is some reality to that, especially today.  All of Beth’s friends that left today all live on the West Coast and have jobs, families and other responsibilities that require their time back home.  As much as they probably would like to come back next weekend it is just not realistic. That is why the time was so sacred this weekend.  

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