Thursday, August 25, 2016

I Don't Like Feeling Like The Smartest One in the Room... - Aug 25th

I have only had a few times during the last 8 years of Beth having cancer that I have legitimately “freaked out”.  Yesterday was one of them. In yesterday’s post I talked about how Beth had one of her hardest days yet and she was starting to panic because she couldn’t breathe. I mentioned that I called her doctor in Chicago and we agreed that Beth should start home hospice care.  The reason we decided to start home hospice care is because Beth is suffering.  It is getting increasingly harder and harder for her to breathe.  We increased her oxygen output to the highest setting - 5 liters/per hour.  She is very weak and frail.  She can no long walk to the bathroom. Doctor T said that there is really nothing more that can be done to help her symptoms and that it is time to stop Beth’s suffering and let hospice come in and get Beth on morphine.  Morphine will help with her pain but more importantly it will relieve her sense of breathlessness.  Doctor T then gave me this warning, something that I will never forget, she said, “Alan, I need to tell you that once morphine is started things will move very quick”. I asked for clarification and she said, “Expect Beth to pass quickly after she is on morphine. I am talking more like days, not weeks”.  

When Dr T told me this I had to sit down. My mind started racing. Days??? How could that be? She was just playing Taboo with all of her High School friends 4 days ago. This can't be right. We are not ready for this. I knew that time was short but I never in my wildest dreams thought it was days away.

Morphine will suppress her respiration and tell her brain that it is okay that she can’t catch her breath. In Dr T words, “It will allow for a peaceful passing instead of a painful suffering that she is going through now”.

I left work and came home early.  On the way home I called Beth’s sister and told her to come. I was about to call Beth's parents but did not as I wanted to meet with hospice in the morning and get some more information. Christi is only 4 hours away where as Beth’s parents are 12 hours away. I wanted to make sure I had all of the information before calling and having them trying to race here.  

So we met with hospice this morning.  The nurse was great and was able to lessen some of our fears and concerns about morphine and give us a better understanding of exactly what their role will be. She said that hospice is not there to extend or shorten Beth’s life. They are there to make sure she is as comfortable as possible.

Beth was doing very well this morning when the hospice nurse came as she was able to get a decent night's sleep. The nurse evaluated her and talked about what care she would be receiving. At the end of the visit she said from what she saw Beth was alert, her pain was manageable and her breathing, while labored, was adequate. She said that if we can stay ahead of her pain, anxiety and breathing problems by using her current mix of medications that morphine will not be needed at this time. She did say that as the disease progresses or if Beth is no longer able to take medications orally they would move to a very low dose of morphine.  

Overall, we were very impressed and happy with what hospice will bring to Beth’s care.  Her time is not DAYS. Her time probably isn’t months though either. We will continue to pray for quality time, comfort and peace. We are so grateful for all of the prayers on our behalf. Everything will be okay.  We know how this story ends. One of our friends left this beautiful reminder in the comment sections of yesterday’s post. It was something her sister said to her as she was going through her own battle with cancer. It rings true for all of us, “ know, in a hundred years, this happening won't matter, what we do before during and after will. We will be together forever someday.”

We love you all.


**With Beth’s permission I recorded a few moments of Beth talking to the hospice nurse.  In this clip she was giving the nurse an account of where she started 8 years ago and everything in between that has happened to date.

Beth playing Taboo just 4 days ago with her High School friends. It was the best medicine she has had in a long time.


Barney Family said...

This brought a flood of emotions and many tears. I loved hearing Beth's voice and could listen to that story over and over. Thanks Alan for being so Honest and for sharing your personal insight. It truly is so touching, heartfelt, and inspiring. We love you Guys!

carrie gilmer said...

I'm an old friend of Beth's from Costa, and I am both incredibly sad about what you're all going through, and incredibly heartened by how you are dealing with it. Such grace and love. I can only hope that my family and I are half as strong as you are. Beth: I think about you all the time and always remember you with a bright smile and sparkling eyes. Hang in there, sister. You're an incredible wife and mother. Your smile shines in the faces of your children, even during this hard time. That right there says so much about the people they are and the gift you have given them. Love, Carrie (Nichols)

Sara Therese said...

This continued openess is such a gift. Thank you, Alan, Beth and family.

Johnathan and Mackenzie said...

Thank you of the update. I was worrying and thinking about you guys all day. So good to see the video of Beth. We are praying for comfortable, quality time for you and your family. Love to all. God be with you till we meet again.

Leslie said...

Thank you for posting Taboo. Such laughter and memories of Big Bear trips especially. Soooooo happy that Beth could enjoy time with her gals. It also struck me when you thought that your girls are making friends now that may see them through their lives. So true. I have known many of those gals since i was in elementary school. I met beth Beth in middle school...
Love you all!

Leslie said...

Thank you for posting Taboo. Such laughter and memories of Big Bear trips especially. Soooooo happy that Beth could enjoy time with her gals. It also struck me when you thought that your girls are making friends now that may see them through their lives. So true. I have known many of those gals since i was in elementary school. I met beth Beth in middle school...
Love you all!

Caroline Osborne said...

The grace with which you, Beth and the kids handle this trial is a lesson to me each day. Thank you for letting me witness things my heart needs to know. I know families are forever and I believe friends are too :) xoxo
p.s. - My friends' daughter is serving a mission and recently sent this letter. I wanted to share it with you because I think there is powerful wisdom in it and it makes me think of all you have been through. Her letter follows--
"I was reading 1 Peter 4:12-13 which reads:
12 Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you:
13 But rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ’s sufferings; that, when his glory shall be revealed, ye maybe glad also with exceeding joy.

How amazing is that? In verse 12, it says that we should not think it is strange to go through trials. And in verse 13, it says that going through trials make us partakers of Christ's sufferings and that when His glory shall be revealed, that we will be glad WITH Him and have exceeding joy. We will be able to relate to HIM. We will be glad with HIM that we overcame our trials. The trials that Christ has gone through and that we have gone through. For he has gone through all that we will experience. We always talk of how Jesus Christ atoned and suffered for us so that he could relate to US and be our advocate...But by going through our own trials, WE are able to relate to CHRIST. This blew my mind and to be a partaker of something that Christ went through is a privilege; whether it be bad or good. I love my Savior so much. I am forever thankful to Him for His undying love. No one in history has performed such an act of love. Because of Him, "death has no sting, the grave no victory, our lives have meaning, and we can live with God again." There is a fabulous video that relates to this topic and if you have not watched it, I would highly suggest to! Here is the link: "

Lyndee said...

I loved loved hearing her voice and her funniness. Her sense of humor is the best!! Sending love and prays your way.

Jennie said...

Beth is so amazing. That catch in her voice made me break down in tears. She is such a rock. We will continue to pray for her comfort and for your family.

Lee said...

I loved hearing Beth. I love the raw honesty. I've read and reread this post and watched the videos and I've relived the memories I have. And I've replayed her getting diagnosed over and over. And of course there have been tears. But we will keep praying, keep trusting our Heavenly Father and his plan. And keep loving you. All our love.

Lee said...

So here it is September 13, and I keep listening to this, just to here Beth's voice. Thank you for the videos of her. I cry every time, but I love that you see Beth in this, even with how sick she is. Love that girl so much.